Vegetable Membership Program (CSA)
Our CSA program is SOLD OUT. Thank you! We do have a "Wait List". Please email us if you wish to be added to the Wait List - wishfulacres@gmail.com - please list your name & email address. Our current wait list is at least a few years long.
** Click here to view a short, 1-minute YouTube video of 1 year in our CSA Program!
The Wishful Acres Farm Community Supported Agriculture program (CSA) is a mutually beneficial program for both farmer and consumer. The CSA is a way for community members to support our farm by signing on as a "shareholder" member of the farm for a season. As a shareholder, you receive a great deal on some fabulous organic food! A CSA member receives a "share" - a paper grocery bag of mixed seasonal produce for a 20-week season (all organic, all grown here). A share is enough vegetables to feed a family of 2-4 for a week. Please be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to view pictures of our recent shares! Additionally, we offer a half-share option (every other week) for those who may not require as much food or have a smaller budget (a single person, for example). Everything is grown right here on our farm, following organic standards.
Wishful Acres Farm organic vegetable CSA program runs for an extended season, 20 weeks long, from late May through mid- October. The organic vegetables received weekly will change throughout the season, depending upon what is ripe & in season each week (visit our "What we grow" page to see the list of everything we grow). All shareholders receive a CSA weekly email newsletter with recipes and ideas for every single vegetable received in the weekly share. Although you cannot decide what you receive each week, there should never be a problem with identifying a vegetable or herb, or wondering what to do with it.
Your CSA share is picked up at Wishful Acres Farm, 4679 N Flansburg Rd, Lena IL (near Freeport & Lena, IL) anytime during our open hours on the weekend of your scheduled pickup. For example, half share members pickup every other week, so if you're assigned to the June 23 weekend, you can pick up your share anytime that Friday, Saturday, or Sunday during our open hours for the taproom & store. (We harvest, wash, bag, and then put the shares into refrigeration by Friday afternoons.)
All Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs operate under a pre-paid model, and Wishful Acres Farm is no different. A customer pays up front for an entire season of vegetables. This provides money for the farmer to prepare for the season - purchase seed, equipment, etc, and lets the farmers know how much to plant. In addition, this is your guarantee to a farmer that you'll buy from them each week! We run an extra-long CSA season, 5 months of fresh, local, organc food grown right here on our farm! Wishful Acres does allow CSA customers to pay with installments, we only ask that all installments are received by May 1 of that year's CSA start.
2025 is our 17th Year of Wishful Acres Farm. Time Flies. :)
Some of our 2016 CSA Shares Pictured Below: